Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pause and Think Online

As part of our Safety Inquiry this term we have looked at Internet Safety. A lot of children in Room 4 have computers and Ipads. I asked Room 4 about their computer use at home and they all told me how their parents have set up safe practices at home already. Below are some comments children have made about using the internet at their house.

  • They have folders on the desktop of internet games they can click onto to get a direct link instead of typing it into google. 
  • They close a page by going to the x in the top left corner to close a page they shouldn't be on or if they type in the wrong page.
  • They get help from an adult if something pops up and they don't know how to close it. 
  • They are only allowed on the computer/ipad for short amounts of time. 
  • They play the Blog games
  • Their parents have blocked adds and pop ups. 
We watched a video about internet safety and how we need to use our head, heart and gut when online. Click on the link below to view the video or have a read of the poster that sums up all the key ideas. 


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