Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Archie get out

Bracking news 7 kids and a teacher have fad a big Bon. Thay don't now what to Dow with they think its a ankyosaurus then they hear a noise aaaa. There was a little snake came out of a huge hole we look into it 100s of snakes on ech atha boom boom a volcano enraptured aaaaaaaaa run they ran and ran into the bus they bravery away fritind what will they bow a day later they went back the Bon waxing there only ash and snake skin then ander the ash was one singl Bon left.


Breaking  news 5 kids and a  teacher have found a  enormous  Bone. Thay  don't  know what it is a  dinosaurs Mabey  a  tee Rex   .Then Thay  heard  something big in the bush a big tee Rex but it was furry as a cat 

William f

This is bracing news on tv one Riverlands school has gust disguverd the worst crime new zerland has 
ever disguverd and then the Blenheim fossil hunters came and picked up the fossil and took it back to 
blenheim no one nose what donator it was.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Zanders writing

 Bir was a policeman hey buys a Martycoq you can here him before you can see him . He likes his joband he's go at it.   Bir lox like a total man .      Bir has a police bog  .      by  Zander 

Ahlyas writing

She is mean as.    Uglyhair.      She has a Slave it is slimy as.        She has a Slave and it is a gint    

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bruce Potter the incredible Illustrator.

We learnt lots of neat drawing tricks and looked at Bruce's really choice books; The Doodle Bug and
Penny the Prolific Pooing Cow. We learnt that all we really need is a head full of imagination.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

St. John's in schools

We learnt lots about first aid and how to call 111 in an emergency. Can you help us practice at home? We learnt that we need to know our full address including our town, Blenheim and our region, Marlborough!